Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year for New Changes

Another year starts, and as everyone does at the start, dreams of all the things we will do to change ones life, surroundings or habits, come to the surface. Oh we are so excited to start new, only to wake up and continue with the same old stuff.

This is my first post and "The Changing Look of Friends" is how I feel at this stage of my life. The "Friends" part is anyone or anything that have been part of my life. "Friends" can be the people I have known for years that I will never part with. "Friends"can be the people that leave your life, and the ones that come into your life. But the Friends that I will be writing about mostly are Things in my life that surround me. Be it the six pack of Cokes I drink a day to the sofa in the living room. My home is my friend and everything that is in it. Things we hold on to, the bad habits we keep, the day to day same-o that need to change when you are faced with a change to your life that you had no control over.

My forced change was due to a Divorce, and no I'm not going to write about that, what I am going to write about is what changes I have made to make my life better, starting with my new home.

I worked as a designer many years ago with a firm that had a name very close to my blogs name. Now I'm using my talents and my love of design to start fresh with new surroundings. It will be slow going, but it will be a chance to Change many things in my life.

There are many women out there that are face with the same situation that I am faced with and I am hoping for us to share our changes together in what we make of our surroundings, our Home where we live alone and enjoy every second of that freedom.


  1. ok = changing look and friends! I shopped there all the time, all the time!!! so exciting!! thanks for the comment. I'm still mad y'all closed the store. I loved it. In fact, my bookcase in my office was from there.

  2. Change is good!
    Wishing you a very good 2009!
    xo xo

  3. Interesting post - I look forward to reading more! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog as well. What an exciting time for you in your life now. I know you'll make the best of it! Good luck and enjoy! Post some photos of some of your paintings, too. I bet they are great!

  5. Hey thanks for your comment today! I'll just post it here because that's blogger etiquette. I get a comment, and you get one back :)

  6. I just love it ! Takes me to anouther world.
